Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Anon Poser Wendy Renee has been kicked out of Arkansas Anonymous for being fake and a do nothing drama queen.

                                                       Good Riddance to bad rubbish.


  • Daniel Damascus Kimery
    Daniel Damascus Kimery

    wendy that telling men not to rape was full retard

    not only does it shame all men based on the actions of the few it implies that women should walk down dark alleyways alone unarmed in a bad neighborhood

    • Wendy Renee
      Wendy Renee

      How? We should be teaching that in our schools

      • Daniel Damascus Kimery
        Daniel Damascus Kimery

        we already teach that

        have you been to college

        that's like saying instead of teaching people to lock their houses we should teach people not to steal

        • Wendy Renee
          Wendy Renee

          No college is waste of money.

          • Daniel Damascus Kimery
            Daniel Damascus Kimery

            your spewing their propaganda right now

            • Wendy Renee
              Wendy Renee

              People shouldn't fuckin steal anyways

              • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                Daniel Damascus Kimery

                you sound like a feminazi with that only men can prevent rape bullshit

                it is stupid to expect people not to steal rather than to lock your doors

                • Wendy Renee
                  Wendy Renee

                  Who their? So because I don't believe everything you do and hadn't been to college I'm not as cool as you

                  • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                    Daniel Damascus Kimery


                    if you went to college and heard the propaganda you would realize what bullshit that post was'

                    • Wendy Renee
                      Wendy Renee

                      My husband didn't go to college, probably makes more money than you'll ever see and knows not to rape women. Lol are you better than him too? Lol

                      • Wendy Renee
                        Wendy Renee

                        Fuck college.

                        • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                          Daniel Damascus Kimery

                          I was in The Marine Corps Infantry that makes me better than him

                          • Wendy Renee
                            Wendy Renee

                            They turn people into corporations. There are no free thinkers.

                            • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                              Daniel Damascus Kimery

                              the fact that I am an activist and you are a poser makes me better than you'

                              free thought?

                              • Wendy Renee
                                Wendy Renee

                                He was a marine too.

                                • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                  Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                  all you do is repeat shit you hear other people say

                                  • Wendy Renee
                                    Wendy Renee

                                    Oh shit. You don't like something I say so now your bashing. Wow.. I'm beginning to see all the things you complain about that others complain about you.

                                    • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                      Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                      no that was just the final straw

                                      • Wendy Renee
                                        Wendy Renee

                                        I ask tons of questions and you don't ever say shit. Just inbox.

                                        • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                          Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                          thanks for showing what a fake friend you are

                                          you are all talk and no walk

                                          • Wendy Renee
                                            Wendy Renee

                                            You are an acquaintance. Not a friend there's a difference. I have plenty of those

                                            • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                              Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                              if I gave you petitions it would be a waste of petitions

                                              no you dont

                                              • Wendy Renee
                                                Wendy Renee

                                                Ok bye lol

                                                • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                  Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                  you told me yourself that you don't have any friends where you live

                                                  I wish that posers like you would find another hobby besides wasting my time.

                                                  • Wendy Renee
                                                    Wendy Renee

                                                    Not here dumbfuck at home in Oklahoma where I go every fuckin month. Whom I just spent all weekend with in colorado.

                                                    • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                      Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                      You haven't done shit for the movement

                                                      • Wendy Renee
                                                        Wendy Renee

                                                        So I haven't Jumped all over it. It's not top priority. I raise enough awareness. I have plenty of people who thank me

                                                        • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                          Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                          have fun crying about me in the newfag poser group that has 200 people in it

                                                          • Wendy Renee
                                                            Wendy Renee

                                                            You got one person to stand with you. Sounds like you suck at organizing or people just don't like you lol

                                                            • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                              Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                              that's one more person than what you had

                                                              apathy is the problem. I got 5,000 people in the park in new york

                                                              • Wendy Renee
                                                                Wendy Renee

                                                                Crying about you???? Lmao that's funniest thing ever. DUDE I DONT EVEN FUCKIN KNOW YOU. NEVER EVEN MET YOU. BACK THE FUCK OFF

                                                                • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                  Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                                  protesting is a foreign concept to people here

                                                                  yeah no shit

                                                                  that's because you're an armchair activist

                                                                  all you do is buy shit on amazon and post shit on facebook

                                                                  • Wendy Renee
                                                                    Wendy Renee

                                                                    Ugh you fuckin titles. Shut up already.

                                                                    Yea ok. Mr. I only the work the weekends. Lol you're a pussy if a man and can't make it anywhere so all you do is use your mouth. Talk shit behind a computer.

                                                                    • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                      Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                                      I am removing you from every anon page and group.

                                                                      • Wendy Renee
                                                                        Wendy Renee

                                                                        Ok good bye

                                                                        • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                          Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                                          go find another cause poser

                                                                          • Wendy Renee
                                                                            Wendy Renee

                                                                            Thank you

                                                                            • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                              Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                                              at least I have a job

                                                                              all you are is a whore

                                                                              get a job

                                                                              • Wendy Renee
                                                                                Wendy Renee

                                                                                Haha you're an idiot shut up lol

                                                                                I don't have too. My husband makes plenty of it

                                                                                • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                                  Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                                                                  you're husband must be pretty ugly to pay for an ugly bitch like you. no wonder you don't have any pics of him.

                                                                                  you're a parasite

                                                                                  and a prostitute

                                                                                  your job is to spread your legs right

                                                                                  • Wendy Renee
                                                                                    Wendy Renee

                                                                                    My man is fine as hell. You on the other hand don't even compare to him with your funky ass Jew fro. At least he has a girl. Haha


                                                                                      Wendy Renee

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