Thursday, October 16, 2014

Justin Stone Diaz lies about his Mother while showing his support for Obama, Bloomberg, and Captain Timoney.

                          Like most compulsive liars Justin's life story changes every 5 minutes. Here he is telling everyone about how his Mother was a Feminist and a Police Officer, but in the Summer of 2013 at Re-Occupy Wall Street he told everyone that his Mother never had a real job and that she was a Prostitute and a Drug Addict that smoked Crack and PCP while she was pregnant with him. Seeing as how I personally have 2 Uncles that were Arkansas State Troopers; Pete Kimery who was a Sergeant Homocide Detective/Governor Clinton's Body Guard and Doug Harp who was the youngest Head of a State Police in United States History (Age 32) when he was promoted from Lieutenant to Colonel by The New Governor I can tell that Justin was not raised by a Female Cop or in an environment that was anything other than a drug addled hell hole hence his Me Plus Syndrome and sociopathic behavior. Only a crack whore could produce such a vile and wretched sack of shit.

Justin Stone-DiazJared Malsin
Name: Justin Stone-Diaz
Age: 38
Originally from: Bridgeport, CT
Current residence: Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn
Job: Freelance social media specialist
Ideology: “I was raised in a liberal family. My mother was a feminist and a police officer. So I have a weird mix of conservative left.”
Claim to fame within the movement: Occupy Wall Street Information group. Also: “There’s a group of us that tend to be very loud, and we call each other the yellies. I’m one of the yellies. And also I used to wear yellow in the old park.”
Why occupy? “I occupy to help better understand the tools of direct democracy that Occupy Wall Street uses, and to help bring consensus-building to the wider public.”
Favorite musicWNYC radio
Favorite book “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Number of Occupy-related arrests: One, during the Zuccotti occupation
Opinion of Mayor Bloomberg: “I thought Bloomberg was a genius when we were in the park [Zuccotti] because it appeared that he was keeping three sides of the issue happy. And I was the biggest person that was pro-Bloomberg from Occupy, but after seeing what he’s done and the way he’s treating us now, I now see Bloomberg for what he is. He’s a politician, pure and simple.”
Opinion of President Obama and the Democrats: “I’m not exactly for Obama but I’m going to vote for him because he deserves, at least, four more years.”
Favorite revolutionary leader: Robert Thurman, professor at Columbia University’s Department of Religion. The Dalai Lama.
Favorite cop: Officer Timoney

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