Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sean Mckeown expresses his gratitude to Daniel Damascus Kimery for creating Re-Occupy Wall Street June 1st 2013 aka #OccupyGeziNYC.

Thanks a lot for trying to sabotage my event Sean McKeown. Does everybody see now why I am the sole host of the Event I created? Just so everybody knows Reoccupy Everywhere is Sean's personal account. This is The Real Occupy Event (The one that I started months ago that has over 725 Going)
Daniel Damascus Kimery's photo.
Re-Occupy Wall Street
Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 8:00am in EDT
Zuccotti Park in New York, New York878 people went
  • Patrick Wilson i don't believe in censorship. at the same time i do believe that disagreement is an opportunity, not to win debate, or to speak louder than a perceived opponent, but to find the strength in common struggles between diverse groups. 'the people united, can never be defeated'. peace love and solidarity to all in this movement.
  • Daniel Damascus Kimery Thanks ON I just want my haters to remember that they wouldn't even be having this discussion right now if it wasn't for me. They have no gratitude just envy. I swear these jackasses are worse than crabs in a barrel.
  • Patrick Wilson i understand your frustration, but thats not what i meant. personally, i look to the gentleman that self-immolated on the other side of the world, the people in tahrir square, the millions that marched for civil rights, etc. those people, and many others both living and not inspire me to stand up for myself and others in this world. i am thankful for the many sacrifices of the many that came before. again, peace love and solidarity..
  • Sean McKeown Danie, we have continually expressed gratitude for the fact that the conversation has been advanced to the point it has thanks to your insistence and dedication. However, when you're deleting milquetoast criticism of you as "a serious threat to the outcome of the event," you are betraying the values of Occupy with your censorship - which is why you were receiving the response you were, and why it intensified the more you struggled to contain it.

    We had a consensus against over-moderating posts, one you clearly could not abide and did not abide. We'll have to work together still in person when we're all in the streets together - but in the meantime, if the only solution to the hyperaggressive censorship problem is to make a new page... as you yourself advised me to yesterday... then that is the solution we will just have to take.
  • Charles Lenchner Dude, the very idea that you would call it 'your event' makes you seem off your rocker. Nevermind whether that is "occupy" or not, it's the opposite of every organizing methodology you might name. #profoundmisunderstanding.
    BTW, I totally like censoring folks on FB, got no problem with it. Trolls should be censored.
  • Daniel Damascus Kimery I created the event thus it is my event. Ask facebook. Thank you for agreeing with me on the Troll issue. Never underestimate a Troll's ability to fuck up an Event.
  • Daniel Damascus Kimery Sean McKeown go ahead and open up the flood gates to Trolls in the name of free speech and we will see who's event attracts more people ok Bro.
  • Daniel A. Shockley Everybody take note that the "Likes" on Kimery's posts are by Kimery himself. This is part of his dishonesty, along with deleting comments on the event he controls by anyone who even politely disagrees with him. The more effectively the person points out his nastiness and illogic, the more likely he is to censor them.
  • Daniel A. Shockley This event was created by a BUNCH of New York City occupiers to protect people who don't know better from being sucked into Kimery's negative attitude. He can't control the message here, but note that we ARE letting him post here. We figure he will do the job of educating everyone about how he behaves by NOT censoring him. Note that is the opposite of how he acts when he controls the conversation.
  • Daniel Damascus Kimery "This event was created by a BUNCH of New York City occupiers" actually it was started by a bunch of local yocal crabs in a barrel that are jealous because the event that I created was getting so big without their input. You people are such Copy Cats that you didn't even change the date of the Event. lol
    Daniel Damascus Kimery's photo.
    Re-Occupy Wall Street
    Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 8:00am in EDT
    Zuccotti Park in New York, New York878 people went
  • Ajamu Chaminuka I would like for Daniel to be less disrespectful and more humble. Were all on the same side and in the new world we're trying to create we have to try to follow Rodney King's plea.
  • Nowright Thenleftagain As we ALL know, Daniel DK will be appearing Live! at Re-Occupy Wall St. on June 1st. Where will YOU be???

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