Monday, March 24, 2014

More #Newfags hating on Daniel Damascus Kimery.

  • 2 people like this.
  • Mike Amato Just wait till im unbanned from my other account....
  • Michael J Cavlan LOLOL I can hardly waity
  • Michael J Cavlan or wait even- cdamn you spell checker--LOL
  • Mike Amato SPELL CHECKERRRRRR!!!!!!!!
  • Nicholas Sakalauskas I know Dan well enough to say he knows his politics, id understand if you were slandering him because of some specific disagreement, but obviously this has nothing to do with that.

    Been over this in other groups, you wanna better the country cool, post shit about that, stop attacking each other. Media posts topics to divide people, if you cant prove your above that, you dont deserve to have a respected opinion on the state of our country
  • Mike Amato You you would censure me over lulZ?
  • Mike Amato I had a discussion that I completely destroyed DDK in, and then he blocked me because he couldnt handle the words I was speeking. All the while he was slandering one of my good friends, and allies in a childish attempt to make himself look like Captain Awesome.
  • Mike Amato Ziggy Vouraun, care to substantiate my claims?
  • Ziggy Vouraun Mike is correct. There are at least two other threads in this group in which DDK went off the rails in hilariously egotistical fashion.
  • Nicholas Sakalauskas Yea but DDK has somewhat a right, he is responsible for a huge ows gathering. You need hard people to work with other hard people, you cant have a bunch of nonviolent friendship oriented pussys calling the shots, i like DDK because hes a hard ass, People like him make change, they arent armchair activists bent on just arguing, i like watching him pick people out, hes actually really good at it, he filters out the weak.

    Ive been around long enough to have seen how the internet works, say you and 10 people bitch him out in a post, then come to me like you have something to be proud of. If i broke down what 10 of you could do vs DDK himself, it weighs better to have him around, after all, he knows far more people, enough that nearly every OWS page has something to say about him,, plus lets not forget OWS failed and died, so obviously, they had the wrong conceptions and leadership.

    But lets get to some real grounds, if your slandering him, whats your politics and why are they better?
  • Mike Amato You came to my thread. Your assumptive attitude says more then your hollow words. Elitism will get movements nowhere.
  • Nicholas Sakalauskas I came to your theread to call you out, whats your politics, quit dodging
  • Mike Amato You call me out with the same assumptive, condescension that Justine, and DDK had. Yet you expect me to talk politics with you while talking shit about "armchair" activists, and mildly insinuating violence.
  • Mike Amato Such illogical.
  • Nicholas Sakalauskas I spoke with Daniel, i know hes smart, anyone can get into an argument online, it happens, but as a friend, im defending him, Maby if i didnt see a pic of him, then i wouldnt have shit to say.
  • Ziggy Vouraun I'll repeat myself;
    I don't care what he's done, who he is, or how many people want to suck his dick.
    He's not Superman. He has no right to insult people and act like top dog when he has no idea who they are or what they've done.

    It stinks of ego. There is no room in leaderless movements for ego.
    if OWS is dead, why is he bragging about putting together such a large gathering? If he's so cool in Anonymous, why the fuck hadn't he heard of Parmy Olson's book?
    You talk shit on the internet out of egotistical bullshit, expect to be taken down a peg.
  • Mike Amato Perhaps the fact that you marginalized an entire group of people based on nothing but assumptions, concludes that you, sir, dont deserve to even be in this thread.
  • Nicholas Sakalauskas Leaders run countries, not people.
  • Mike Amato lol ^^ faggotry, at its finest!
  • Nicholas Sakalauskas Im not saying he doesnt have an ego, im saying hes done something to deserve it, and he knows his politics, what do you know besides Microsoft paint
  • Mike Amato Were gonna do this now, because you, sir, have lost all validity in your argument.
  • Ziggy Vouraun Leaders are responsible for the current fucked up state of the word.
  • Nicholas Sakalauskas Way to get offensive and dodge me asking you about polotics
  • Mike Amato Tell me, what reason based on your logic, would I have with discussing politics on the internet?

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