Monday, March 31, 2014
More #newfags Hating on Daniel Damascus Kimery part 3.
Mike Amato
Half the people I want to see this wont. Yous guise are some cunts. Instigating bullshit with people in this group, then when you become outwitted, you become blockfags. Fuck you bastards.
March 29 at 12:38pm
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like this.
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Dude, you may not agree with me, but im hardworking, i have alot to show.
You sit there and say what more do i need but my bike, good for you, but work and experience go hand in hand, if you have alot to show you have alot of experience, you seem to only know how to ride a bike and use the internet to complain that you only need a bike to live.
You dont have the physical experience to outwit, you have nothing to prove you ever learned the reality of the system in the "hard way".
You dont know how to manage a company, let alone change the system, you just shout you want the system to end.
Ive seen how much of your bullshit but nothing resembling a viable plan,
what would you care, a man like you just needs his bycycle and the things he can carry right?
why are you even here? selflessness? you care about other people in poor positions? Your on the internet, hows it feel to be richer than more than half the world.
i wont block you, ill try to debate as ive done before, but you get overly offensive and arent worth anyones time, you just seem to like to argue, and god forbid you had the floor to pitch your argument you wouldnt even know what to say besides yelling at everyone elses point for being "invalid".
You may even hate DDK for whatever he said to you, but he gets it, he knows how dumb people look when they beg for anarchy buy complain about being poor.
March 29 at 1:10pm
Dan Feidt
someone is doing the emperor palpatine "excellent" thing now
March 29 at 1:35pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Im just dumb sick of all these stupid groups, its just a cover for people too argue their unpopular polotics, are people going to band up and pitch a legit game plan, or are we all gonna sit around and complain,
not the best thing to pit occupiers against each other, i agree, but there's alot of inexperienced nobodys (in general) with the desire to feel important clawing at the chance to be anywhere near the top of the ladder, thinking that ladder has a chance at going anywhere.
I accomplished more in 2 weeks on my local community political page, things that actually brought real noticeable change, how long has OWS been around, and now all we have is,,, well nothing, its exactly where its started, trying to get people to join together to "fight" something. to promise something better, yet nobody knows what in gods earth they are talking about.
I watched another FB occupy page blame it on racism, one on men, another the police.
Lets start from the beginning, whats Occupy wall street, what the fuck is the point.
March 29 at 1:45pm
Dan Feidt
hey keep it up. i figured this group was for blowing off steam about all the shady hacks, which isn't such a bad thing in itself, but it's like, then what?
March 29 at 1:42pm
Jim Messenger
For blowing off steam is good and necessary, but finally everyone has got to grow up and get on with things..... Being right is not success. Winning your point is NOT the way to come together... Maybe the people who still want to argue should just go away.???
March 29 at 3:50pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
I would agree, but catch 22,
You send your best arguers away, then whos left standing but the ones who cant argue themselves valid
March 29 at 4:25pm
Jim Messenger
No one needs to argue themselves valid...
March 29 at 4:29pm
Jim Messenger
There is a time and place for dissent and discussion ( if only you guys could show respectful discussiion!!!!) But there is also a time for action and just getting things done.... Occupy eatijng itself in public is not encouraging for anyone. Makes you all look like fools and pot-heads...
March 29 at 4:32pm
Jim Messenger
Therefore.... not worth listening to. Who wins in this case kids???? The 1%.... So please continue to invest in dissention and childish trying to be right. Instead of finding ways of coming together and getting the job done. GROW THE FUCK UP .
Joe Hock Ows
... am I right or am i..)
March 29 at 4:35pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Yea, i kinda come in the group and say that over and over.
and over and over,
and call in
KimaniFilm Atiq Zabinski
and DDK,and theyll tell you they herd it from me.
Over and over,
and here occupy is,,, dead.
and i disagree, You do need to argue yourselves valid, for that is all you are entitled to, thats the truth
No, you're not entitled to your opinion
Every year, I try to do at least two things with my students at least once. Firs
t, I make a point of addressing them as “philosophers” – a bit cheesy, but hopefully it encourages active learning. Secondly…
See More
March 29 at 4:39pm
Mike Amato
I'm not attempting to be a pridefag, nor egofag. The way I see it is done people in this group find they are superior to others, while being invalid in their comments.
Nicholas Sakalauskas
, you have openly spoke of the "non violent" pussies. Your just attempting to stir up shit. No one is having it.
March 29 at 4:35pm
Jim Messenger
Here we go again. Children this kind of activity KILLS OCCUPY..
March 29 at 4:36pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
how about you quit using the word fag.
March 29 at 4:36pm
Jim Messenger
If he;s a fag why not.
March 29 at 4:37pm
Jim Messenger
Does he not have the right?
March 29 at 4:39pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Did you really just come in here,
make a point about how we look to other people, then question why he cant use the word "fag".
Like seriously
March 29 at 4:41pm
Jim Messenger
Sad so sad.
March 29 at 4:42pm
Mike Amato
Elitism kills, as well as perpetuates an exclusiveness that is detrimental to the movement as a whole.
March 29 at 4:56pm
Jim Messenger
Welllllllll Lets use simpler words... We all know the big ones but simplicity is a real blessing....
March 29 at 4:58pm
Jim Messenger
You see also using big words creates ellitism leading to determental stuff for the movement...
March 29 at 4:58pm
Jim Messenger
Exculsiveness is detrimental . But this is not soo important.
March 29 at 4:59pm
Mike Amato
People who think they are better then others push away the people we want to be a part of the movement.
March 29 at 4:59pm
Jim Messenger
If you all, we all seeked more with our hearts to talk to each other, instead of usoing our heads to score points or stick to positions that are hard to move from then more people wiould open to this as it originaly comes from the heart.... And human necessity...
This is powerful enought.
March 29 at 5:01pm
Jim Messenger
Where is
Joe Hock Ows
March 29 at 5:02pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
humans, as well as monkeys naturally form a group of about 25 before they start splitting up.
Its natural, leadership is natural. hence the term "natural born leader". You may be very surprised how natural debate is.
March 29 at 5:02pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
So say things go your way jim, were all here, were all one, what next, whats your plan
March 29 at 5:03pm
Jim Messenger
I agree with some are better 'leaders' ( but this word creates problems does'nt it) Anyway sir this is not my way. It is my suggestion, request and fervent prayer for some sanity to return to OWS,... because we all need it so much..
March 29 at 5:05pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Break down the problems leadership causes.
Not greed, just leadership,
Im not one for prayer or sitting around holding hands asking for change.
Unless you can make an example that "were all equally a part of leadership" then its not true, that was occupys thing, and it failed miserably. and now everyoes arguing over whos better, take from that, its a natural pattern, even if everyone stops working comes out for a day and prays the system away, the next day there will be a power struggle.
IMO, the group should find a person with the best idea, and follow that person. Make a real leader the face of the movement, not some chick who works for google.
March 29 at 5:11pm
Jim Messenger
Welll I think your idea leads to slavery and despair. However I do enjoy your point about how all the Occs failed........ Too much bickering....basically. Too much ego, In Montreal's case it turned into a massive and wonderul student protest across the provincde with 200,00 crowds sometimes...
March 29 at 5:15pm
Jim Messenger
However when you're in one of these things it;s alot like riding a tiger..... I do however feel a shared leadership is the way to go.. And its a new form of organization we're all trying to form..... and therefore worth trying to work out....
March 29 at 5:18pm
Jim Messenger
However 3.... Some form of structure is needed and a kinf os training in various skills....... I;m working on these with some people.
March 29 at 5:19pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Well politics is a form of opinion, opinion gets better with more facts, basically you need people who understand things, almost at a military grade level.
You need a public figure, you need a group of thinkers, and you need a group of public leaders. You never announce who the actual leader is.
March 29 at 5:21pm
Mike Amato
We all have skills to bring to the table, and we maybe should try doing that. Sharing our kills with each other, to create autonomy, which will empower people to take initiatives into their own hands.
March 29 at 5:25pm
Jim Messenger
So Satanic your thinking.. I'm enjoying you more.. NIcolas... But you seem more Republican tahn human... You've got your thinking all locked in... Kinds leaves no room to breathe.
March 29 at 5:27pm
Jim Messenger
I.. ( for instance) am looking at some info from Nepal, listening to a protest being organised for April 5 as well as enjoying this conversation with Mike and Nicholas..
March 29 at 5:28pm
Jim Messenger
One needs to leave space between the words, between the thoughts for the breath to fall and rise and a more intergrated intelligence to rise.. But this takes years and years to appreciate and learn.
March 29 at 5:30pm
Jim Messenger
Mike I.... think you need to explain what you mean by autonomy... Your idea sounds great... but .... I need more info.
March 29 at 5:32pm
Mike Amato
noun: autonomy
(of a country or region) the right or condition of self-government, esp. in a particular sphere.
"Tatarstan demanded greater autonomy within the Russian Federation"
a self-governing country or region.
plural noun: autonomies
freedom from external control or influence; independence.
"economic autonomy is still a long way off for many women"
synonyms: self-government, self-rule, home rule, self-determination, independence, sovereignty, freedom More
"the rebels called for regional autonomy and self-government"
(in Kantian moral philosophy) the capacity of an agent to act in accordance with objective morality rather than under the influence of desires.
March 29 at 5:35pm
Jim Messenger
Not what the book means, but what you mean when you apply the word to your idea.... But if that;s tood difficult for you to go deeper into your idea, that;s ok.
March 29 at 5:38pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
I dont agree with working to live, but i certianly agree that those who work harder deserve better houses. Which is true republicanism.
People will always want the next best thing, production is really the only thing we can, need to, and have to change, thats the pollution, thats the prices.
Instead of mass production, where things are mass made in the hopes they sell, things should be "made-to-order"
Instead of cars all being mass produced, everyone gets their dream car. Instead of buying clothes in a store, you draw up what you want and its made for you, this is much like kickstarter.
If i remember occupy had $200,000 in donations with in the first month or so, was that really all wasted?
Id have invested in a "good will" type of business right off the bat, start by getting a warehouse.
collect all the trash you can, tvs, clothing, anything, bad clothing sell to scrap companies, good clothing, resell, bad electronics, break down, scrap, sell to recyclers. or let artists create, and let them sell.
Just start there untill it becomes self sustaining, almost every mafia has started with the garbage, its how its done in italy, its how it was done in jersey.
with profit, Create store fronts selling whats made with collected material, Market about made to order,
eventually grow large enough, open clothing stores, plastic bottles make clothes, start with the clothing industry.
The easiest first three to work on, are the food industry, the clothing industry, and home decorations.
You have to go step by step, with a large group like occupy behind a made-to-order company, it will be easier to beat big businesses, just think kickstarter.
the end goal would be to shift the economy to buy "made to order", some things will always need mass production, but if you half the demand for new materials, you reduce that production, you can then half working hours and or double pay.
the big deal with making everyone middle class in a world like this, is there simply isnt enough resources.
Not everyone will agree, but unless your doing well in this world, you dont really know how it works, which is kinda ironic for the people left in the movement.
Everyone knows the saying, cant beat um, join um.
I wouldnt even need money, a warehouse and some volunteers are all you need. get people who know how to market, play with companies at their own game. that is the only way you will beat them.
March 29 at 5:41pm
Jim Messenger
I really feel Nicholas you are in the wrong page.
March 29 at 5:42pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Why so?, im actually glad you noticed the republicanism btw
March 29 at 5:43pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
In the blunt, change mass production to made to order, what is possibly better than that .
March 29 at 5:44pm
Jim Messenger
Ah, did I stroke you the right way???/ Wow.. You and Mike are beginning to seem perfect for each other.... You should exchange numbers.
March 29 at 5:44pm
Jim Messenger
Good night.
March 29 at 5:45pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
where you going, im hear to hear other ideas and opposition to my own. I didnt type that shit out for you to leave.
March 29 at 5:47pm
Mike Amato
, do i smell the "holier then thou" coming from you too?
March 29 at 5:47pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
For the record, i think very highly of myself because i dont have an ego
March 29 at 5:47pm
Jim Messenger
Yes yuou guys are perfect for each other. You'll make a lovely couple, Mike that smell is you.
March 29 at 5:48pm
Mike Amato
What I mean by autonomy is the exact definition of the word. Empowering people to make choices for themselves, needing no governing rule, nor body to "approve" of actions partook by a group, nor individual.
March 29 at 5:48pm
Mike Amato
lulz, so the name calling shall commence!!
March 29 at 5:49pm
Mike Amato
This is exactly what im talking about.
March 29 at 5:49pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
basically Aleister Crowley
March 29 at 5:49pm
Mike Amato
Bickering and digressing the topic.
March 29 at 5:49pm
Mike Amato
Everyone wants to be right, no one wants to work together.
March 29 at 5:49pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
nobody has a plan
March 29 at 5:49pm
Mike Amato
Those that do wish to work together are ostracized, usually for wanting everyone to take part. lulz
March 29 at 5:50pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
kinda agree
March 29 at 5:50pm
Mike Amato
March 29 at 5:50pm
Jim Messenger
Too late my friends It's been the usual. YOu both might actually be two parts of one person. Who knows/ Howevery I do thank you both for createing an excellent study for analysis..
March 29 at 5:51pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Jim you dont know shit about social algorithms, trust me, if you did, you wouldnt pretend to be the observer
March 29 at 5:52pm
Jim Messenger
We all are the observer Nicholas.. Sadly some have forgotten.
March 29 at 5:56pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
Some of us actually are messengers Jim
Leaders and followers
March 29 at 5:56pm
Jim Messenger
Ouu clever line..
March 29 at 5:57pm
Joey Simmons
Hello? Yeah she's upset..who? Right ok ok yes I can. Ok bye
March 29 at 10:05pm
Joe Hock Ows
Be the change!...Lead by example....Change will happen,...ypu'll see!
March 29 at 10:27pm
Mike Amato
March 29 at 10:28pm
Joe Hock Ows
Yeah.listen too my friend...he's cool!
March 29 at 10:28pm
Mike Amato
Im not saying its aliens....BUT ITS ALIENS BRO!!!!
March 29 at 10:30pm
Nicholas Sakalauskas
dafuks going on here
March 29 at 10:30pm
Mike Amato
March 29 at 10:32pm
Joe Hock Ows
My friend married an alien once..I think she was from Portugal!
March 29 at 10:33pm
Mike Amato
March 29 at 10:36pm
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