Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Anon Divinci's #FakeAnon #CharityFraud Page begs Daniel Damascus Kimery and Arkansas Anonymous for a truce.

We are making an announcement that a truce has been called between us and Daniel Damascus. As per the truce and our own intentions from the beginning,.. We will be updating the description of this event to outline the intentions of this Operation as well as the intentions for the shirts. This event had to be recreated in a moment's notice on New Years Eve, when none of the admins were available. So it was recreated with basic information.
With that said, we will be updating it momentarily and cleaning up this entire event of the nonsense.
Arkansas Anonymous was invited to this because they are in the actual state that this case encompasses. Any petitions that would need created would need to be done by Arkansas residents to hold any merit. All of the admins on this page are from outside states and while we are pushing forward with other aspects of the operation, we needed the assistance of Arkansas Anonymous because...well...they are in Arkansas.
The past few days have been very unfortunate to watch anons attack fellow anons, but this is common in our collective. The collective is comprised of millions. You'll never get millions to agree on everything no matter how noble the intentions are.
In light of the unfortunate accusations, we must point out that the burden of proof is not on the accused, but the accuser. This is not an attempt to fire the issue back up. The point being made here is that this very operation has been created to fight against the very notion that someone is guilty just because they are accused of something, without proof. If there is anything that was apparent it's that some of you were very easily swayed without so much as a shred of proof. What this does is allows you to see things from a different perspective. It allows you to see things from the perspective of a non.
In regards to us showing proof of where the money is going from the sell of shirts, it's pretty obvious that this proof cannot be shown until the donation is made. How do you prove afterall that you've done something that you haven't yet done? The intent has always been to donate the money ON the day of the rally or shortly after. So clearly there would be no evidence of such a donation until after that.
In regards to the shirts, we have never had any intent on selling anything at the rally. Not only does it defeat the purpose, but it would mean cash would exchange hands. Anons are human and as such, there is no shortage of anons eager to pocket your cash. So we have never had any intent on selling anything at the rally and we suggest against anyone selling anything at the rally.
We would also like to make it clear that Shelley Mattocks is in no way associated with the administration of this page. She is a supporter of the page and this op and is a very nice lady who does not deserve to be targeted.
Lastly, we are now finally on the same page and will all be working together. So if no one is opposed, we will be updating the description and cleaning up the event.

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