Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Daniel Damascus Kimery Versus Tina Blakeley Gill

Daniel Damascus Kimery
Daniel Damascus Kimery

I am about to unleash hell on you. God help you if you show up at the capitol after what you have done.

  • Daniel Damascus Kimery
    Daniel Damascus Kimery

    Ok now I see why Tina Blakely Gill was pitching such a fit over me exposing the t-shirt scam. She had bought a bunch of t-shirt and planned on selling them at the rally. She also has a 3rd Party Charity/Charity Scam of her own.
    We (The committe for the Rally to re-open The WM3 case) need to raise funds for some of the people(Family) that are directly involved with this case. We would love very much to have all Family members with us.. They want to be in Arkansas for the May 5 2015 Rally... The State of Arkansas needs t...

    • Tina Blakey Gill
      Tina Blakey Gill

      hey Daniel promise im not trying to ignore you. got slammed after lunch today... I promise I will read everything as soon as I get off work.. oh yeas and im sorry about being a bitch earlier.. i truly didn't mean fort things to go down that way...

      • Daniel Damascus Kimery
        Daniel Damascus Kimery

        no I saw what you wrote

        we are going to destroy you

        your name is about to be all over the internet

        we are exposing you as we speak

        so you planned on selling t-shirts and you have a gofund me page

        I am about to make your life a living nightmare that doesn't end.

        have a very nice day.

        • Tina Blakey Gill
          Tina Blakey Gill

          no sir I did not that money is to go to get the hicks family and Mark byers to the rally they told me they couldn't get there unless thye had help and I cannot afford to do it.. you are very wrong about me... and I thought I made rash decision on you.. but after reading the hatefulness pointed at me just now.. all im trying to do is help the family members attend a rally thye cannot afford to come too

          • Tina Blakey Gill
            Tina Blakey Gill

            of course it is... its my rally

            • Daniel Damascus Kimery
              Daniel Damascus Kimery

              so that you can get money


              we are gonna have fun with you


              • Tina Blakey Gill
                Tina Blakey Gill

                we have furnished hotel rooms transportation to these family mbrs do you really think we can afford to do it for free?


                • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                  Daniel Damascus Kimery

                  so you admit that the money is going in your pocket

                  so you can go on vacation wih your friends and family

                  • Tina Blakey Gill
                    Tina Blakey Gill

                    no sir I have 3 ladies that have paid on their credit cards for rooms ... for the families..all of them and we have to provide the gas.. and transportation.. food... I have never taken a fucking dime .. from anybody.. you have no idea the money I have put into this.. money I don't have... you know nothing...

                    • Tina Blakey Gill
                      Tina Blakey Gill

                      vacation .. dude.. im a single parent of a 7 year old and a 15 year old.. I make 12.00 an hour... do the math...

                      • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                        Daniel Damascus Kimery

                        I could give a fuck less

                        You have no idea how big the hornets nest is that you just wacked.

                        We do not forgive.

                        • Tina Blakey Gill
                          Tina Blakey Gill

                          this is over Daniel... you know nothing about me.. nothing.. I would feed a helpless animal and go without myself.. or feed a poor person and me myself do without... as I said you know nothing about the goodhearted person I am

                          • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                            Daniel Damascus Kimery

                            We do not forget.

                            Expect us.

                            • Tina Blakey Gill
                              Tina Blakey Gill

                              mother fucker .. you expect me...

                              • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                Daniel Damascus Kimery

                                You are a lying Huckster just like the others

                                                                                                   Tina Blakely Gill
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